“Open up, ancient gates!
Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter.”
Psalm 24
The goal of our Ministry is to open gates for Jesus Christ so that He may enter and fill the place with His glory!
Pastor Johan Clarke has a passion for all people to be saved from slavery to sin and to bear much fruit.
Believers are reminded of the Great Commission and to apply their gifts under the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ. .
Open The Gates Ministry Includes
a) Taxi rank ministry,
b) Township ministry,
c) A home school,
d) YouTube channel,
e) My personal blog to keep you up to date,
f) Practical training seminars in evangelism,
g) To publish Christian reading material,
h) Selling of hand-made crafts and plants.
Click below to find out more about our Ministry and Homeschool
“Open the door of your heart to Him” Revelation 3:20